2Passion's Blog
Confessions of a Baby Boomer

My Affairs

I chronicled a lot of this early in my blog but I wanted to talk about it.

What Is an Affair? An affair is an act of infidelity within a committed romantic relationship. It’s most commonly considered a type of cheating that involves intense, passionate emotional or physical attachment. Rarely is the term “affair” applied to a one-time event.

I thought this definition was pretty good. I was a cool, popular kid growing up but not in a sexual way. Sure, messed around but not much more. So when I started dating my Ex, we were both pretty inexperienced. We dated for the appropriate time for the day and of course, it led to marriage. While married, she actually left me for a while and I had a couple of one night stands during that time. Also, one other down the road after our sex life had pretty much died. So those don’t really count, right?

But after you grow apart and your sex life dies (till death us do part) I had a couple of well defined affairs.

The first was with an old high school friend. We dated back in high school and surprisingly reconnected from our Christmas letter. It goes back to the title of this blog, 2Passion. We both lacked passion and connection in our lives after long marriages. I knew her husband and that made it even more awkward. It was something neither of us had ever done. but we covered all the bases, intense, passionate, emotional and physical attachment. We messaged, called, met whenever we could. The sex was amazing and neither of us was getting any of that at home. Like they say, if you don’t get what you need at home, you will seek it elsewhere. It went on for some time and she would have left her husband and I considered leaving mine at the time but I realized it was not in her best interest and would have destroyed her children (who were younger than mine) and everything she had built up in her community. They were pretty well known. So I made the decision and we broke it off.

Later, she left her computer on and her husband found some old emails and called my Ex and told her about the affair. Not sure if she meant to do that or not. It impacted me but I was worried about her. He made her feel like shit but that turned around when she found his Ashley Madison account. Wow, no intimacy with her but hooking up! They are still married.

If you have ever wondered about the impact of an affair check this out.

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